I feel so incredibly blessed in life to have had the most incredible (UNDERSTATEMENT) mother in the universe for 34 years. I am devastated and humbled and my mind is broken over how someone so good in every version of the word could be taken from us so prematurely. My mom loved life in the most beautiful, cup overflowing way past full, magical glittery way imaginable. She loved getting older, and used to say every year just got better and better and she was getting hotter and hotter as time went by, all this was true. She was a real life angel on this planet and I know she is watching us all from wherever her angel RV is parked in the clouds now. I'm really still at a loss for words, and I cant imagine that changing, ever.
You did have the best Mom! I dont think its possible to love a family any more than she loved you all. It was truly special and amazing to get at times a front row seat. Love you Jess! Im always here for you if needed or wanted and always wish I could be even more in your life. Hope we have many more moments together!